The IT marketplace is grappling today together with the endemic problem of software errors. ‘Use the software program at the own risk’ just isn’t an escapade any more in your case if you are planning a software/product release or have already released it to the market. Potential clients hate software glitches.

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) entails a couple of activities, that assist in safeguarding the standard of software engineering processes. In addition, it entails the whole software development cycle including process specifications, design, coding, source code review & control, software testing, product release management etc. This means that each development stage progresses smoothly and meets all specifications. In addition, it governs Software Qc (SQC).

The question that must definitely be hovering your mind-Will SQA help much me in avoiding software glitches? Well, the reply to this inquiry hails from Darwin’s theory-Survival with the fittest. All is here your company survival and SQA can certainly help you use your ultimate business objective of customer delight by providing you release bug-free software in the product.

SQA gives you not only the resolution the mistake but the reason for its occurrence. Tracing the roots of errors can be a challenging task, that’s easily covered by the SQA. The standard assurance testing team probes deep into error to find the source in the errors.

Now, SQA is affordable or otherwise is often a debatable question. Many organizations today want to outsource SQA tasks to 3rd party companies, which develop the fixed projects. However, ‘prevention is qa training to cure’ must be preferred. Job the risk of fixing the bugs following your product or software program is released in the market. Pre-treat the erroneous application ahead of the release even if it costs you more because it is worthwhile.

SQ also contributes effectively in promoting multiple answers to one problem. Hence, the solutions offered through this system are flexible.

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