We offer merchant services for companies who want to accept bitcoin on their site from their customers . We want to let all crypto currency users know about our services along with what we could offer them.We provide a checkout solution designed to accommodate Bitcoin where customers checkout in cryptocurrency, automatically convert received payments to USD or EUR and withdraw it in your checking account.

Bitcoin (BTC) is really a new kind of digital currency-with cryptographic keys-that is decentralized with a network of computers used by users and miners worldwide and isn’t controlled with a single organization or government. It is the first digital cryptocurrency which has gained the public’s attention and is accepted by a growing number of merchants. Like other currencies, users are able to use the digital currency to purchase products and services online plus in some physical stores that accept it a type of payment. Currency traders may also trade Bitcoins in Bitcoin exchanges.

There are lots of major differences between Bitcoin and traditional currencies (e.g. U.S. dollar):

Bitcoin won’t have a centralized authority or clearing house (e.g. government, central bank, MasterCard or Visa network). The peer-to-peer payment network is managed by users and miners around the globe. The currency is anonymously transferred directly between users on the internet without going through a clearing house. This means that transaction fees less complicated lower.
Bitcoin is done via a process called “Bitcoin mining”. Miners around the globe use mining software and computers to fix complex bitcoin algorithms and approve Bitcoin transactions. They’re given transaction fees and new Bitcoins produced by solving Bitcoin algorithms.
There exists a limited amount of Bitcoins in circulation. Based on Blockchain, there was about 12.A million in circulation by Dec. 20, 2013. The problem to mine Bitcoins (solve algorithms) becomes harder fat loss Bitcoins are generated, as well as the maximum amount in circulation is limited to 21 million. The limit will never be reached until approximately 4 seasons 2140. As a result Bitcoins more significant weight loss people make use of them.
A public ledger called ‘Blockchain’ records all Bitcoin transactions and shows each Bitcoin owner’s respective holdings. Now you may connect to the public ledger to ensure transactions. This will make a digital currency more transparent and predictable. Most importantly, the transparency prevents fraud and double spending of the same Bitcoins.
The digital currency can be acquired through Bitcoin mining or Bitcoin exchanges.

I believe that Bitcoin will grow in acceptance in the public because users usually stay anonymous while buying goods and services online, transactions fees less difficult below bank card payment networks; the population ledger is offered by anyone, that you can use to stop fraud; the currency supply is limited to 21 million, and the payment network is operated by users and miners as opposed to a central authority.

For additional information about best bitcoin merchant services please visit website: check it out.

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